Issuer Online Portal

The ongoing effort to modernize the design and user experience for a portal for public and private stock issuers revealed occasional inconsistencies that were increasing time, effort, and costs.

As the new design lead, I developed plans to create a comprehensive library of components and templates, revamped the navigation, and introduced new features to enhance the overall experience.

Interactive Visual Aids

Designing and building bespoke Interactive Visual Aid was a tedious process that required an extended timeline, large budgets, and a long, drawn-out regulatory approval process. In addition, it would often result in overlooked guidelines and inconsistencies within the same brand.

A new plan was devised to standardize branding, reduce costs, and shorten timelines.

Launch A Community Art Center

At the beginning of 2010, and after eight years of planning, the West Windsor township finally agreed to lease the old firehouse to the local arts council to convert it into an Arts Center. While the 8-month-long renovation was on, preparations started for a successful launch.

As the marketing committee chair, I led the brand design and marketing campaign.